Kate Middleton reportedly chose to refrain from contacting Meghan Markle because of ‘how difficult’ new motherhood ends up being.

This speculation has been issued by royal expert Neil Sean, on his personal YouTube channel.

There he claimed, “The story goes that Catherine tried to reach out five times to Meghan to offer congratulations on a personal level following the birth of Lili Diana.”

“Now as we often say here on the show in fair and balanced terms, let me tell you the truth – that simply didn’t happen and it wasn’t through any spite or anything like that.”

He also went on to add, “What i’ve been told is Catherine really understood, having three children herself, what a fraught time it can be.”

“After all the Sussexes at this point are now parents to two little people, so she wouldn’t really think to butt in and try and offer assistance and help. She would wait to be asked to be invited.”

“What we do know is there was a present sent over and a card congratulating the couple. That is where the story ends they were being civil polite and courteous obviously their family remaining still.”