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Experts fear Prince Charles first few days as the King of England may bring with them the ghosts of prior haunting conduct.

This claim has been brought to light by royal expert Andrew Morton during a candid chat with Newsweek.

There he was quoted saying, “Everyone focuses on Meghan and Harry but they’re looking in the wrong direction.”

Mr Morton believes, “They should be focusing on Prince Charles because he has got a mountain to climb.”

After all, “Prince Charles, our future head of state, future King in the very near future, is only polling in the low 30s and low 40s.”

Even fellow expert Penny Junor seemed to agree with Mr Morton’s claims and added, “After he does become King, more trouble is likely as the shadow of Princess Diana, the people’s princess, will always linger over his reign.”

“I think that is something that will haunt him indefinitely, unhappily. The problem is that at every anniversary, she will be brought up again, and the facts or a version of the facts will be trotted out.”

Before concluding she admitted, “There will always be people who choose to believe everything they see and hear and watch. Things like ‘The Crown,’ I think, are incredibly damaging and are giving a false impression of Charles to the world.”