Ive got COVID and Im feeling pretty rubbish, the Oscar winner said
‘I’ve got COVID and I’m feeling pretty rubbish,’ the Oscar winner said 

Keira Knightley and her family is in quarantine after contracting COVID-19, the acress revealed recently.

Speaking during an interview with The Telegraph’s Stella magazine, the two-time Academy award winner said,  “I’ve got COVID and I’m feeling pretty rubbish.”

She went on to say that her daughters Edie, 6, and Delilah, 2, are recovering quicker than she is, while her husband James Righton, 38, is asymptomatic. 

“[He is] being very smug about it — he is convinced it’s because he’s one of those cold-water swimmers and I’m not,” Knightley said.

She also explained the incredible experience of filming her new comedy-horror movie Silent Night, set during Christmas on the eve of an environmental apocalypse.

“We were filming scenes about the shops running out of food at the same time as the news was becoming full of stories that all of the toilet paper had gone,” she recalled. “It was incredibly strange for everyone.”

“I think it should come with a warning, because now everybody is coming to the film with a lived experience, hopefully not as horrific as this one, but it has suddenly become a lot more raw,” Knightley added.