Kate Middleton’s maternal family may not be as perfect as it seems - her uncle was almost jailed!
Kate Middleton’s maternal family may not be as perfect as it seems – her uncle was almost jailed!

Kate Middleton’s family may seem like the picture-perfect royal family, but according to reports, her maternal side may not be as perfect as it seems.

According to a My London report, Kate’s uncle, Gary Goldsmith, the younger brother of her mother Carole Middleton, has been in trouble with law enforcement in the past.

Gary, a well-known businessman in the UK and reportedly worth over £30million, has been married four times and reportedly attacked one of his ex-wives.

Kate’s uncle, who also attended her wedding to Prince William, admitted to attacking his wife Julie-Ann Goldsmith during a drunken argument while they were on their way home from a charity event.

The 2017 incident left Julie-Ann knocked to the ground after Gary reportedly attacked her with a closed fist outside their home in Wimpole Street, Marylebone.

He later pleaded guilty to assault by beating, with prosecutor Kate Shilton describing the incident in detail at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.

Gary managed to avoid jailtime and was instead slapped with a £5,000 fine.

The bond between Gary and Kate since the incident remains unclear, however, back in 2013, Gary did claim that the familial relationship was fine and that he had ‘never fallen out’ with them.