Prince William renamed himself to keep Prince identity secret in college
Prince William renamed himself to keep Prince identity secret in college

Prince William avoided attention in college by giving himself a new name. 

The Duke of Cambridge attended University of St Andrews in Fife, Scotland, where he gave himself an alias, Steve, to hide his true identity.

“Although he did officially enrol at the university in the name William Wales, it is believed his classmates used the nickname so he didn’t receive any unwanted attention,” reports

St Andrews was the same place where Wills first met Kate Middleton. The couple were flatmates for a while before they found love in each other.

“Kate threw herself into uni life, having fun and partying with friends and by the end of Freshers Week, she’d been dubbed ‘Beautiful Kate,” according to royal author Katie Nicholl. For this name, the Duchess of Cambridge was quick to attracts William’s attention.

“A friend of the couple said they became “instant companions” after William plucked up the courage to invite her to breakfast with his pals,” adds Mirror.