Alec Baldwin says mistakes on ‘Rust’ set were ‘performed by someone else’
Alec Baldwin says mistakes on ‘Rust’ set were ‘performed by someone else’

Actor Alec Baldwin has just filed papers in court, brushing off allegations of his responsibility in the passing of Halyna Hutchins.

In the eyes of the actor, the mistakes that led to the incident were completely “performed by someone else” and he made an “exhaustive effort” to finish production even after the cinematographer passed away.

The star’s lawyer also submitted an arbitration filling this Friday and according to findings by Deadline it reads, “This is a rare instance when the system broke down, and someone should be held legally culpable for the tragic consequences.”

But “That person is not Alec Baldwin,” because he is just “an actor,” playing a role.

The arbitration also stipulates that Alec is protected from any financial responsibility, amid the onslaught of lawsuits that are being filed against him.

The lawyer also went on to add, “As he had done throughout his career, Baldwin trusted the other professionals on the set to do their jobs. The facts make clear that Baldwin is not culpable for these events or failures.”

The document also goes on to reiterate scenes from the day of the shoot and explained that Hutchins “directed Baldwin” to “determine how best to angle the camera and what movements Baldwin should make for her to capture the cocked gun that the script had called for.”

“Hutchins described what she would like Baldwin to do with the placement of the gun … She directed Baldwin to hold the gun higher, to a point where it was directed toward her.”

“In giving and following these instructions, Hutchins and Baldwin shared a core, vital belief: that the gun was ‘cold’ and contained no live rounds.”

Baldwin asked Hutchins whether she wanted to see him cock the gun, as the script required. She responded yes.”

Then, upon her instructions, “Baldwin then pulled back the hammer, but not far enough to actually cock the gun. When Baldwin let go of the hammer, the gun went off.”

“As later became known, a live bullet discharged from the gun and struck Hutchins, travelling through her body and striking [director Joel] Souza in the shoulder. Both Hutchins and Souza fell to the ground.”

“No one understood what had happened,” and “panic and confusion” followed suit immediately thereafter.

The concluding remarks of the document reads that, it was only after Santa Fe sheriff deputies began their line of questioning that he saw “a photograph of the object that had just been removed from Souza’s shoulder at the hospital — a .45 calibre slug.

At that point “Baldwin recognized the object as a live bullet, and he finally began to comprehend what had transpired on the set of ‘Rust’ that day.”

Thus, the responsibility would be that off armourer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed because “it was her job to check the gun — not his.”

“An actor cannot rule that a gun is safe. That is the responsibility of other people on the set.”

Alec is also said to have made exhaustive efforts into making sure the film was shot “with the intent of honouring Halyna’s legacy by completing her last work and of compensating Hutchins and his son from the film’s profits.”