Objections raised over award Prince Harry received for his work

Its seems not  everybody is happy over the award Prince Harry has received for his philanthropic work and his activism.

Bishop Talbert Swan, an author and rights activist, has objected to the award the Duke of Sussex received at the NAACP Image Awards.

Royal fans and pro-monarchy experts are spreading the objections raised against the award  the Duke received for his work.

Taking to Twitter, Swan wrote, “Tell me what he has done to advance the cause of justice for Black people in America to deserve an award from the most influential civil rights organization in the nation.”

Swan said, “When was Prince Harry on the front lines against police brutality and the extra judicial murder of Black people?

Below is his full statement:

“When has he challenged America’s disparate response to Black people addicted to crack versus white people addicted to opioids?.”

When was Prince Harry on the front lines fighting against mass incarceration of Black people and disparate sentencing laws?

Did he throw his significant resources behind efforts to fight voter suppression what’s your restore the Voting Rights Act?

If Prince Harry is so deserving of a civil rights award, tell me when the hell did he challenge Britain to pay reparations to the descendants of Africans they enslaved across the Caribbean and in North America? What about descendents of nations they colonized for centuries?

If Prince Harry deserves an award from a justice organization tell me when did he challenge his family to give back the billions of dollars worth of diamonds, precious gems, and other artifacts that they stole from Africa?”