The Firm is currently undergoing a major shift in their typical duty dynamic.

This observation has been made by royal author Ian Lloyd in his new book The Duke: A Life in 100 Chapters.

There he wrote, “It seems that they are moving away from doing the royal duties they used to do, in terms of typical ones, for example, if the Queen came to Manchester, she would go to open a concert hall and then maybe visit a school or an exhibition and then have lunch with the Lord Mayor.”

“Those are the things that are disappearing. And I think they are being replaced by causes. We saw the Earthshot Prize with Prince William, mental health and so on.”

“These are not individual royal engagements like opening a school – a lot of this work can now be done virtually. The nature of how the Royal Family functions is changing.”

“In the Queen’s early years she had to go around the UK because people could then see her, they didn’t have televisions, iPhones and so on, now it’s so easy to show them doing different things. I think the very nature of being a working royal is changing.”