What are the prohibited importations in PH?
Section 101 of the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines (TCCP) provides the prohibited importations in the Philippines, viz:
SEC. 101. Prohibited Importations.
The importation into the Philippines of the following articles is prohibited:
1. Dynamite, gunpowder, ammunitions and other explosives, firearms and weapons of war, and parts thereof, except when authorized by law.
2. Written or printed articles in any form containing any matter advocating or inciting treason, or rebellion, insurrection, sedition or subversion against the Government of the Philippines, or forcible resistance to any law of the Philippines, or containing any threat to take the life of, or inflict bodily harm upon any person in the Philippines.
3. Written or printed articles, negatives or cinematographic film, photographs, engravings, lithographs, objects, paintings, drawings or other representation of an obscene or immoral character.
4. Articles, instruments, drugs and substances designed, intended or adapted for producing unlawful abortion, or any printed matter which advertises or describes or gives directly or indirectly information where, how or by whom unlawful abortion is produced.
5. Roulette wheels, gambling outfits, loaded dice, marked cards, machines, apparatus or mechanical devices used in gambling or the distribution of money, cigars, cigarettes or other articles when such distribution is dependent on chance, including jackpot and pinball machines or similar contrivances, or parts thereof.
6. Lottery and sweepstakes tickets except those authorised by the Philippine Government, advertisements thereof, and lists of drawings therein.
7. Any article manufactured in w hole or in part of gold, silver or other precious metals or alloys thereof, the stamps, brands or marks or which do not indicate the actual fineness of quality of said metals or alloys.
8. Any adulterated or misbranded articles of food or any adulterated or misbranded drug in violation of the provisions of the "Food and Drugs Act".
9. Marijuana, opium, poppies, coca leaves, heroin or any other narcotics or synthetic drugs which are or may hereafter be declared habit forming by the President of the Philippines, or any compound, manufactured salt, derivative, or preparation thereof, except when imported by the Government of the Philippines or any person duly authorised by the Dangerous Drugs Board, for medicinal purposes only.
10. Opium pipes and parts thereof, of whatever material. All other articles and p arts thereof, the importation of which is prohibited by law o r rules and regulations issued by competent authority.