In Perla Compania de Seguros, Inc. v. Saquilabon,[1] the Supreme Court considered a lawyer's failure to file a brief for his client to be inexcusable negligence. The Supreme Court held that the lawyer's omission amounted to a serious lapse in the duty he owed his client and in his professional obligation not to delay litigation and to aid the courts in the speedy administration of justice.Similarly in Uy v. Tansinsin,[2] the High Court ruled that a lawyer's failure to file the required pleadings and to inform his client about the developments in her case fell below the standard and amounted to a violation of Rule 18.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. The Supreme Court emphasized the importance of the lawyers' duty to keep their clients adequately and fully informed about the developments in their cases, and held that a client should never be left in the dark, for to do so would be to destroy the trust, faith, and confidence reposed in the retained lawyer and in the legal profession as a whole.

[1] 337 Phil. 555, 558 (1997).

[2] 610 Phil. 709 (2009).