In Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals,[1] the Court ruled that injunctive reliefs are preservative remedies for the protection of substantive rights and interests. When the act sought to be enjoined has become fait accompli, the prayer for provisional remedy should be denied.

The Court also ruled in Go v. Looyuko[2] that when events sought to be prevented by injunction or prohibition have already happened, nothing more could be enjoined or prohibited. It is a universal principle of law that an injunction will not issue to restrain the performance of an act already done. A writ of injunction becomes moot and academic after the act sought to be enjoined has already been consummated.

[1] 353 Phil 473 (1998).

[2] G.R. Nos. 147923, 147962, 154035, October 26, 2007, 537 SCRA 445, 479.